3 Common Mistakes People Make When Applying for Partner Visas and How to Avoid Them

3 Common Mistakes People Make When Applying for Partner Visas and How to Avoid Them

6 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

It is legal to fall in love with someone outside the country. The department of immigration also allows people to bring their partners into the country if they plan and decide to spend their life together. However, you have to follow some steps for your partner to be granted a visa. The rules and regulations put in place by the Department of Home Affairs should encourage you to take time and handle every aspect of the process properly and get it right. It is also highly recommended that you hire an immigration lawyer to help you avoid these common mistakes.

Giving Inconsistent Information

When you love someone, the natural assumption is that you take time and learn everything you need to know about them. Therefore, the Department of Home Affairs expects that you and your partner will give consistent information about yourselves and each other in the documents you submit. Glaring inconsistencies are a red flag for the department and could lead to disqualification. Work with your partner and a lawyer to get all the facts straight about your relationship. Ensure you get the records of your travel and history together before submitting any documents. The lawyer will cross-check the information and help you correct any inconsistencies that might cause visa delays. 

Offering Less than Enough Information on the Relationship

You should also consider all the facets of the relationship when called in for questioning by the department. Typically, they want to figure out if the love is genuine or not. Some of the questions they might ask include how you handle financial responsibilities and whether you share bills, where you live and how you share chores. They might also want to know what your social life looks like and what activities you take part in as a couple. Giving shallow answers or skipping some parts might give the impression that you haven't spent enough time together with your partner. 

Inconsistencies in Social Media Profiles

You should also check your social media profiles and ensure what you have shared is consistent with the information you submit to the department. The officers habitually access and assess applicants' social media as part of their background checks. Details like relationship status come to play during these checks. The lawyer can help cross-check and ensure your information is coherent.

Speak to a competent immigration lawyer as soon as you start the application process for a partner visa. They have a lot of experience in cases and can help you avoid potential problems.

Contact an immigration lawyer for more information about partner visas

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A Beginner's Guide To Immigration Attorneys

Long gone are the days where if you wanted to move to a new country you could just pack a suitcase, hop on a plane and set up a new home somewhere else. Australia is a stunning place to live in which makes it very desirable for thousands of immigrants every year. However, in order to make sure you have the right type of visa to work and live in Australia then it is advisable to use an immigration attorney. This website shares information about the different types of visas available and what information an immigration attorney needs to help you process your visa application. The more information you know, the better your chances of having your visa approved.
